
Novapolis Association joined the Coalition for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees – 26.11.2018

At the end of November 2018, the Novapolis Association became a member of the Coalition for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees (CDMiR) – a network of non-governmental organizations in the field of migration, human rights and public policies in Romania that advocate for the rights of foreigners and act to:

– improve the image of migrants and refugees in the public space through a unified communication strategy;

– correct of some contradictory / unfounded provisions on the principles of law / social justice in the legislation in force;

– improve the practices / legislative provisions that impact on the fundamental rights of refugees and migrants.

By joining the Coalition, the Novapolis Association expresses once again its strong commitment to support the integration of migrants and refugees into Romanian society through its participation and involvement in migration advocacy campaigns and actions, in the development of policy positions and proposals as well as the organization of information sessions, seminars, workshops, conferences, events aimed at informing and training the public and key actors on migration issues.

