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April 29th 2015


Press Release


A Trans-national Partnership Agreement was signed April 29th 2015 for an inclusive labour market for youth by the Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives, The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly in Romania – Social Dialogue Department, and Acción contra el Hambre, Spain.

The Trans-national Partnership Agreement was signed within the “Pro Juvenes– trans-national partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth” project, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Investing in people!

The project is implemented by The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly – Social Dialogue Department in partnership with: “AUR” – National Association of Human Resources Specialists – Partner 1, Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives – Partner 2, National Trade Union Confederation Meridian – Partner 3,  and the General Confederation of Romanian Industrial Employers – Partner 4, for a period of 12 months, at a national level, having a total eligible value of 10,988,390 lei, 75% of which is represented by the grant awarded by the European Social Fund.

The general objective of the project is to strengthen policies and practices related to employment and network development at a European level, as well as to strengthen the actors’ within the labour market capacity (trade unions and employers’ organizations, public authorities, NGOs) to be actively involved in promoting employment and social inclusion for youths by implementing policies that aim at their employment – the volunteering law, the internship law, the apprenticeship law etc.

Accion contra el Hambre (ACH) is an independent and neutral international humanitarian organization that fights malnutrition and ensure at the same time water supply and basic means of existence for the vulnerable population. ACH contributes to consolidating the ecosystem of socio-economic involvement of vulnerable persons and favors the creations of partnerships with public, private and social organizations to the benefit of persons at risk. Since 2013, as a response to the economic crises from Spain and after the merger of ACH and Luis Vives Foundation, the organization launched a new line of work based on social action. Its goal is to facilitate the access on the labor market of persons that are exposed to social exclusion risk by strengthening the access of labor force and enterprises to employment programs, of the NGOs and other actors that has as a goal social inclusion and labor inclusion of vulnerable persons.

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