7th of July 2015
Press Release
A Trans-national Partnership Agreement was signed on 7th of July 2015 for an inclusive labour market for youth by the Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives, The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly in Romania – Social Dialogue Department, and the European Anty Poverty Network in Spain (EAPN-ES).
The Trans-national Partnership Agreement was signed within the “Pro Juvenes– trans-national partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth” project, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Investing in people!
The project is implemented by The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly – Social Dialogue Department in partnership with: “AUR” – National Association of Human Resources Specialists – Partner 1, Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives – Partner 2, National Trade Union Confederation Meridian – Partner 3, and the General Confederation of Romanian Industrial Employers – Partner 4, for a period of 12 months, at a national level, having a total eligible value of 10,988,390 lei, 75% of which is represented by the grant awarded by the European Social Fund.
The general objective of the project is to strengthen policies and practices related to employment and network development at a European level, as well as to strengthen the actors’ within the labour market capacity (trade unions and employers’ organizations, public authorities, NGOs) to be actively involved in promoting employment and social inclusion for youths by implementing policies that aim at their employment – the volunteering law, the internship law, the apprenticeship law etc.
The European Anty Poverty Network in Spain (EAPN-ES) is an independent coalition formed by entities from the social sector whose mission is to eradicate poverty and social exclusion in Spain, and to promote participation of those in one or both situations in their struggle for the exercise of their rights and obligations. EAPNS-ES aims to promote and enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the fight against poverty and social exclusion in Spain, ensuring synergies between public and private entities at local, regional and national level, as well as providing lobby, denounce and demands for individuals and groups experiencing poverty and social exclusion. For this EAPN tries to position both poverty and social exclusion in the center of the political agenda of the Spanish state, raise awareness and mobilize society and empower networks and member organizations.