
The public authorities of Constanta have learned how to talk about migration and integration of migrants

12th of February 2021


The public authorities of Constanta have learned how to talk about migration and integration in their local community

During December 2020 – February 2021, Novapolis Association together with the City Hall of Constanța have conducted on-the-job training course for the public local authorities interested on how to create impactful public communication campaigns on migration and integration of migrants and refugees.

The training programme developed within the CLARINET project [Communication of Local AuthoRities for INtegration in European Towns], co-funded by the European Union through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), contract no. 821562, had been very interactive and included o variety of methods such as lectures, case studies, both individual and group exercises, applications, presentation of good practices and lessons learned from the experience of other cities who faced migration. Also, during few sessions, we had some special guests, with a lot of experience in the field of migration, managing migratory flows and integration of foreigners, from Timisoara, Brasov and Constanta, whom we give many thanks and appreciate them for all the information, experiences and good practices shared with us, userul information about inter-institutional cooperation and civil society organizations in the field.

During the training sessions, the participants had the oportunity to improve their thinking and communication skills, developed new skills on the knowledge and communication approach, regarding the contribution of the migrants and the socio-economic impact brought in the local community.

The training take into account the importance of having a well prepared administration staff, especially those from border communities, in order to communicate effectively about the contribution of the migrants into the host communities. In this context, through the activity of support and professional trainning at the workplace carried out within the CLARINET project, we have contributed of building up the profile and reputation of the Municipality of Constanta, as being an open, diverse and multiethnic city. The trainning has increased the capacity of local authorities from Constanta to successfully implement communication campaigns on migration and integration of migrants.

At the end of the trainning programme, all the participants got their diplomas and we met to discussed about priorities, directions of action and future activities that can be undertaken for a better information and awareness of the citizens of Constanta on migration and integration issues.

***For further information, please contact us by e-mail:
