Bucharest, November 24th 2015
Press Release
Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Initiatives for Development organised, in November 2016, a visit for exchange of experiences and best practices in Milan, Italy. The activity was carried out within the sustainability period of the project Pro Juvenes – trans-national partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth, financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Investing in people!.
During this meeting, the Novapolis Association visited the Help Center Stazione Centrale of the Milan Municipality’s and had the opportunity to learn how help and assistance are provided to homeless people and how the essential services offered, contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty and promote a real social inclusion on all levels. The meeting facilitated the sharing of good practices and information on the inclusion of youth, immigrants and vulnerable groups. In this regard, the most relevant methodologies and practices presented aimed at providing shelter and integrated services, facilitating access to legal advice and medical services, personal care, orientation to social services and enhancing employability, as well as offering support in finding a job.
Moreover, during the working visit important issues were discussed concerning the social integration of people affected by poverty and the share of young people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, the mobility and migration of young labor force in Milan, the importance of networking and the cooperation between authorities, stakeholders and NGOs.
For further information, please contact: Ms. Narcisa Alexe, Communication and Events Organizing Expert-Novapolis Association, tel. 0766.304.610, asociatianovapolis@gmail.com.