
The European Comparative Study Regarding the Intra-European Mobility and Migration of Youth in Romania


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The European Comparative Study Regarding the Intra-European Mobility and Migration of Youth in Romania was conducted by Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives together with the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly People- the Department for Social Dialog, within the project ”PRO JUVENES – Transnational partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth”, POSDRU/171/6.4/S/146751

The European comparative study regarding the intra-European mobility and migration of youth in Romania, presented as a complex research report, constitutes an analysis of a series of aspects related to the young peoples’ mobility and migration on the labour market that aims to identify the dimensions, characteristics, processes and types of migration among young people, identify the profiles of the young people migrating (migrants, immigrants or potential migrants) that are to access or who are already participating on the national labour market or on the labour market of EU Member States, in the context of the impact and effects that youth migration has on an inclusive labour market for young people.

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