
Press Release – Working group project Pro Juvenes, Eforie Nord, 28-30 July 2015,

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28 May 2015

Press release


Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives toghether with the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Ageing, the Department for Social Dialogue organised in May 28-30, 2015 in Eforie Nord, a working group in human resources development and social inclusion, youth mobility and migration, inclusive labor market for young people.

The activity is developed within the project „Pro Juvenes – Transnational Partnership for inclusive labor market for young people”, co-financed from the European Social Fund (ESF) „Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Invest in people!”.

The working group contributes in achieving the project’s objective – strengthening the policies and practices regarding employment and networking at European level, strengthening the capacity of the labor market actors (trade unions and employer organizations, public authorities, NGOs) to get actively involved in promoting employment and social inclusion of young people by implementing policies directed at their employment – volunteering law, the law internship, apprenticeship law etc.

The event includes workshops, presentations and discussions on issues and topics of interest for Romanian society:

  • human resources development, social inclusion and integration of young people on labor market
  • mobility and migrationof youg people
  • youth entrepreneurship
  • promoting the flexicurity: overcome barriers in implementing youth apprenticeship and internship
  • entrepreneurial intentions among young people and measures to support entrepreneurship in Europe
  • finding a job after graduating (school / high school / university)
  • the connection between occupation and specialization
  • school, employment and unemployment – types of employment and young unemployed

The Working Group held in Eforie Nord is entitled to enable participants, representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Ageing and of the Partner 2 Novapolis Association to opena consistent and substantial dialogue on developing national policies and structures on migration, the Youth Strategy – the specific objectives and measures proposed, the access of young people to the labor market and entrepreneurship, youth revenue – the types of employment contract and overtime, the issues, the challenges and the responses to global and regional migration.

The conclusions and the recommendations made during the two days and a half of working group will be included in a booklet-type material „Recommendations thematic network on youth migration” that might serve to the decision makers and to the relevant stakeholders to harmonize positions and apply effective measures for a longer time horizon.

For more information, please contact us:

Iris ALEXE, P2 Project Technical Coordinator, email:

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