
Press Release – Exchange of experience and good practices 8-12 June 2015, Madrid – Spain

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15th of June 2015


Press Release


The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly through the Social Dialogue Department, as  partnership Leader within the project “Pro Juvenes – trans-national partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth” project co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Investing in people!, with Partner 2 Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives organized within 08-12 June 2015 an Exchange of experience and good practices in Madrid, Spain. The realization of the exchange of experience and good practices benefitted from the support of FEDROM, Spain.

The general objective of the project is to strengthen policies and practices related to employment and network development at European level, as well as to strengthen the actors’ capacity within the labour market (trade unions and employers’ organizations, public authorities, NGOs) to be actively involved in promoting employment and social inclusion for youth by implementing policies that aim at their employment – the volunteering law, the internship law, the apprenticeship law etc.

The participants at this event had the opportunity to interact and exchange experience and good practices with organizations and institutions from Madrid, Spain on the subject of inclusive labor market for youth. Among the organizations and institutions designed for the exchange of experience and good practices there were: Eslabon Association, Accion Contra el Hambre Foundation, Public Employment Agency within the City Hall of Madrid and FEDROM (The Federation of the Associations of Romanians in Spain).

The event organized by Partner 2 – Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives within Activity A5 – Exchange of             experience and good practices has the role to facilitate the sharing of the success methodologies for social inclusion,professional insertion, including mentoring, identifying the best ways to utilize the funds dedicated to human resources development and good practices and initiatives regarding adaptation of the training to new technologies.

For additional information, the contact person is: Mrs. Narcisa ALEXE, Communication and Event Organizing Expert, Novapolis Association, telephone: 0766304610, e-mail:

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