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25 of May 2015

Press Release


Between 17th  of May to 22nd of May  2015, Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives together with the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly, Social Dialogue Department, went to Palermo, Italy to conclude partnerships agreements for exchange of experience and best practices in order to facilitate access for young people to the labor market.

The activity took place within the project “Pro Juvenes– trans-national partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth” project, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Investing in people!

Until now, Minister Delegated for Social Dialogue, Mr. Liviu Pop, and President of the Novapolis Association, Ms. Iris Alexe, have signed transnational agreements with the following partners from Spain: Inventare Insieme Association, Consortium Tartaruga, Social Cooperative 3P, City Hall of Villafranca Sicula and Youth Administrators Association of Madonia.

Transnational Partnerships Agreements are valid until September 2017 and contribute to the objective of the project – strengthening policies and practices regarding employment and networking at European level and strengthening the capacity of labor market actors (trade unions, employers and government authorities, NGOs) to be actively involved in promoting employment and social inclusion of young people by implementing policies aimed at their employment – volunteering law, the internship law, apprenticeship law etc.

„An inclusive labor market for young people means a competitive environment, active measures for employment and training of young people and not least stimulating social and civil dialogue. Through the project “Pro Juvenes– trans-national partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth, together with its partners from the civil society, as in this case partner 2 of the project – Novapolis Association, the Ministry of Labour reaffirms the strong commitment for the support and participation of young people as valuable resource for the labor market” states Ms. Angelica Sabiescu, project Manager – Department for Social Dialogue, MMFPSPV.

Transnational partners will be involved in joint activities at European, national or regional level, accordance with the objectives of the „Pro Juvenes – Transnational Partnership for inclusive labor market for youth”.

For this purpose, they will provide support in the activities dedicated to the target group, namely: development of a thematic network on human resources development and social inclusion with a focus on migration and the role of social dialogue in the integration of young people and development of a inclusive labor markets for young people; organizing exchanges of experience and transfer of best practices; developing a European comparative study on issues of social inclusion and labor market integration of young people – an approach to analysis of a series of issues related to mobility and migration of young people into the labor market; realization of a working group and a round table discussion designed to bring important issues regarding mobility and migration of young labor force, as well as collaboration and cooperation between main entities from employment: authorities, unions and NGOs.

All these activities will support the information and innovations transfer on an inclusive labor market; transfer of experiences and best practices regarding training adaptation to new technologies, including mentoring; transfer of experiences and best practices for human resources development; promote the transfer of expertise on inclusion and employment of long term unemployed; developing a labor market more permissive, flexible and inclusive; development of joint programs for promoting employment; development of new methods for combating discrimination and inequalities on the labor market; dissemination of innovative methods to other actors involved in combating discrimination; identifying the best ways to use the funds for human resource development; promoting the development of comparative studies and exchanges of experience at European level; identify the most appropriate ways to teach entrepreneurship through practical methods;

Novapolis Association and Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly, Social Dialogue Department, will continue with their actions to conclude further transnational partnerships agreements in Spain and Italy, and in the following period there will be made work visits in Madrid, Rome and Palermo.

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