7th October 2015
Press release
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly through the Department for Social Dialogue as a leader within the project „Pro Juvenes – Transnational Partnership inclusive labor market for young people”, financed by the European Social Fund by Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, together with its implementing partners: „AUR” – The National Association of Specialists in Human Resources – Partner 1, Association Novapolis – Center for Analysis and Initiatives for Development – Partner 2, National Trade Union Confederation Meridian – Partner 3 and the General Confederation of Romanian Industrial Employers – Partner 4, organized Tuesday, 6th of October 2015, the Closing conference of the project.
At the event were present to provide more information and answer all the questions Mr. Liviu Pop (Minister with responsibility for Social Dialogue, MMFPSPV), Ms. Braica Alexandra (Secretary of State, MMFPSPV), Ms. Angelica Sabiescu (Project Manager Pro Juvenes, MMFPSPV), Ms. Ioana Mănăilă (AUR Organization), Ms. Iris Alexe (Novapolis Association), Mr. Ion Albu (CSN Meridian) and Mr. Radu Godeanu (UGIR).
The conference also benefited of the presence and interventions of project experts and representatives of transnational entities from EU countries that have offered support and assistance in project implementation.
During the event were presented the results of the project that has been implemented in a transnational framework with emphasis on the transfer of expertise and exchange of information and best practices for an inclusive labor market in the European Union.
The discussions facilitated an exchange of opinions on human resource development, social inclusion and labor market integration of young people, targeted measures to youth, mobility and migration of young people, role of social dialogue, social partners and civil society.
The participants appreciated the initiative of the project that offers a transnational view on methods and best practices for youth employment in the labor market. In addition, they have expressed interest in intensifying and deepening the transnational partnerships and Pro Juvenes results within future collaboration and initiatives in countries addressed by the project and as well as in other European countries.
For more information, please contact:
Iris Alexe, Project Technical Coordinator P2, email: asociatianovapolis@gmail.com.