Bucharest, 1st November 2016
Press release
Novapolis Association has hosted the first foreign trainee within project Take Your Chance 2
The Novapolis Association– Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development is the hosting organization in the project Take your Chance 2 (TyC2), Program Erasmus+, Key Action 1. In June 2016, the first international trainee started the work at Novapolis and she was in Romania for a period of 16 weeks, for a traineeship in the field of project management, fundraising, educational individualized plans, social communication and advocacy. In particular, the trainee acquired knowledge and skills regarding project planning, donations systems, sponsorships or partnerships and she was involved in different activities related to migration and foreigners’ integration, social activities and youth participation.
The objective of the project Take your Chance 2 is to skill up the young people and provide them further opportunities to be more qualified and more employable in the contemporary labour markets, both at national and European level. The projectTake your Chance 2 began the 1st September 2015 and has a duration of 24 months, being funded by the Program Erasmus+, Key Action 1.
The leader of the project TyC2 is the Italian organization Unione degli Assessorati alle politiche Socio-Sanitarie e al Lavoro (UA) that has a history of cooperation with Novapolis Association, as they worked on different occasions within several projects and initiatives on specific aspects regarding participation and inclusion of youth on the labour market addressing the high rates of youth unemployment and the request of better skilled human resources.
The participation of Novapolis in the project TyC2 take place within the sustainability period of the project “Pro Juvenes – trans-national partnership for an inclusive labour market for youth”, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Investing in people!, based on the Trans-national Partnership Agreement that was signed between the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly in Romania – Social Dialogue Department, Novapolis Association and Unione degli Assessorati. Among the actions of interventions regarding employment and social inclusion for youths established by the Action Plan of the Transnational Partnership there are included exchanges of trainees, best practices sharing, submitting project proposals and cooperation in European projects, dissemination and communication activities.
For further information and details please contact: Narcisa Alexe – Communication Officer, Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development, Telephone: 0766 304 610, e-mail: asociatianovapolis@gmail.com