
MIraGE Handbook of best practices is now available!



The professional inclusions of third country nationals: a consultation tool for employers and the self-employed

Between March and May 2019 the partners of the MIraGe project conducted a desk research and several interviews with the aim of identifying and collecting case studies concerning the professional inclusion of employed and self-employed Third Country Nationals(TCNs) in 8 countries: Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, France, Austria, Romania, Cyprus and Hungary.

Following the result of this research, we selected the 16 most representative case studies in order to present best practices adopted to overcome specific difficulties in different social, economic and legislative contexts, all having in common the same objective: to promote the professional inclusion of TCNs by giving concrete examples and inspiration.

Indeed, as stated by the human resources director of Big Mamma (a French group of Italian restaurants), integrating TCNs is also about common sense: valuing people is a key to a low turnover which in turn is key to a successful company.

These case studies have been collected in a form of a practical handbook to be used as a consultation tool for employers and self-employed. Moreover, this handbook will be used as reference material for the MIraGe training activities that will start on Spring 2020.

You can find below the handbook in free download

