30th of March 2021
Third-country nationals with a legal stay in Romania had found out what are the steps to start a business in Romania
Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development, with the support of the Integration Center for Migrants Brasov, AIDRom Timisoara, Philanthropy Association Oradea and the Community of the Bassarabian Youth Constanta, held between november 2020 – march 2021, the training courses “Migrant Entrepreneur in Romania”, addressed to the third country citizens (TCNs), with a legal stay in Romania. The training courses took place online and also face to face in the big cities of Romania, where live numerous migrant communities, such as: Constanta, Brasov, Bucuresti and Timisoara.
The training courses were carried out within MiraGE project – Migrant Integration for Growth in Europe, and had aimed to promote entrepreneurship as a key factor of the access, integration and competitiveness on the labor market among non-EU citizens (TCNs) with a legal stay in Romania.
The trainning sessions were interactive, with numerous applications and practical exercises, and brought together, both future entrepreneurs and active entrepreneurs, who had the opportunity to debate with experts and trainers, on updated informations, on what it means to set up and run a new bussiness. They discussed about how to achieve a realistic business plan connected to the current economic market in order to help them in taking the first steps on the labor market, and about how to grow and develop their business.
Thus, the participants have found out key informations and practical advices on what it means to be a good entrepreneur, they have learned techniques on how to identify business ideas, how to cristalyze an idea in the sense of organizing a business, how to launch a product or a service in the market, how to plan all the activities and most importantly, how to obtain fundings in various stages of development of their business.
Many thanks to all the participants for their interest, and also to our collaborators for all the support offered in carrying out this trainings!
***The project “MIraGE – Migrant Integration for Growth in Europe” os co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), contract no. 821714.
For further information, please contact: Iris Alexe, Novapolis Association, phone: 0725 259 919, e-mail: asociatianovapolis@gmail.com; www.mirageproject.eu.