
Inovation through dialogue.Cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation for an inclusive labor market for youth

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9th June 2016

Press release

To ensure sustainability for the project “Pro Juvenes – Transnational Partnership for an inclusive labour market for young people” POSDRU 146751, financed by the European Social Fund thorugh the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly through the Department for Social Dialogue as Beneficiary, together with its implementing partners: “AUR” – The National Association of Specialists in Human Resources – Partner 1, Association Novapolis – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development – Partner 2, National Trade Union Confederation Meridian – Partner 3 and the General Confederation of Romanian Industrial Employers – Partner 4, organized Thursday, 9th of June 2016, the round table “Inovation through dialogue.Cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation for an inclusive labor market for youth”.

This event benefited from the intervention of experts and the target group of the project, as well as other relevant actors in the field of human resources and social inclusion of young people.

On this occasion, representatives of public institutions, of social partners and NGOs discussed about the project’ initiatives as results of the Transnational Partnership Agreements concluded within the project Pro Juvenes – Transnational Partnership inclusive labor market for young people”, POSDRU 146751. There were also debated a number of important issues in the area such as: volunteerism and entrepreneurship among young migrants as ways to participate in the labour market, the contribution of the social partners to optimizing European and national policies to increase the employability of young people on the labour market, disruptive impact of technology on jobs and professions of the future and the role of public consultations in integrating young people into the labour market.

The meeting represented a good opportunity to share initiatives, information and experiences on policy and practices regarding employment and labour market participation of young people in the Romanian society.

For more information, please contact: Ms. Angelica Sabiescu, Project Manager, by e-mail, or by phone +4021.319.25.84.

Pro Juvenes_Prezentare Novapolis_MOVE

Prezentare 9 iunie 2016 UGIR

Pro Juvenes – Prezentare CSN MERIDIAN 9.06.2016

ProJuvenes Sustenabilitate_Masa Rotunda 09.06.2016

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