
Watch the EoM videos and find out what it’s like to live, work or study as a foreigner in Romania

Watch 3 videos that illustrate a small part of what it means to be an immigrant in Romania: “What is it like to live in Romania?”, “What is it like to work in Romania?” and “What is it like to study in Romania?”

With the help of these clips, we want to convey a message of solidarity and highlight the fact that in Romania there are inclusive and welcoming communities for migrants who arrive here in search of a better life, come to work or study, etc. The videos are made with migrants and activists in the field and also include brief general information regarding the profile and situation of migrants in Romania on the 3 levels – residence, the labor market and education.

Starting from the personal experience of those interviewed, the video materials aim to highlight, on the one hand, the positive contribution of migration to cultural, economic and social development, and on the other hand, to emphasize the idea of humanity and common values, common perspectives that people, foreigners, migrants or Romanians share them.

The activity took place within the EoM project – Solidarity and Inclusive Communities for Immigrants in Romania through which we campaigned for the promotion of active involvement and an attitude of acceptance, solidarity and tolerance in protecting human rights and the equal treatment of immigrants, especially applicants for asylum and refugees, by working both at the level of local communities and through information and awareness campaigns on immigration among children and young people in schools in Romania.



