The study “Insertion of the Ukrainian citizens from the armed conflict zone in Ukraine on the labor market in Romania” is carried out within the ConstantaAID4Ukrainians project: Aid for Ukrainian refugees and TCNs from Constanta and the South-East region, K-ROM-2022-4068, implemented between September 1, 2022 and August 14, 2023, by the Novapolis Association with the financial support of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe.
The present study aimed to know the legislative framework regarding access to the workforce by Ukrainian citizens who fled the war and settled in Romania, as well as the challenges that Ukrainian citizens face in its practical applicability. In this regard, all the legislative conditions for accessing the labor market by Ukrainian refugees and the type of assistance received from the County Employment Agencies (AJOFM) were presented. At the same time, we comparatively analyzed the main conditions for accessing jobs in Romania, Poland and the Republic of Moldova, finding many similarities in the flexibility of the insertion conditions. In order to know the degree of access to the labor market by Ukrainian citizens, as well as the main issues that influence their decision, we made a brief analysis of some primary data obtained from national statistics, as well as some secondary data resulting from the answers of 255 Ukrainian refugees to a questionnaire with specific questions.
The results of the case study reflect that 24.7% of Ukrainian refugees have a job, but with the potential to increase in the next 3 months, when 61.9% of respondents stated that they want to get a job. The main obstacles in accessing a job are the language barrier and minor children in care. Following the analysis carried out, measures are proposed that could increase access to the labor market by Ukrainian refugees, with an impact on the quality of their life in Romania and their integration in the medium and long term.
For more information, please contact Mrs. Alexe Narcisa, expert Novapolis Association, tel. 0766.304.610,
Studiu munca cetateni ucrainieni _NOVAPOLIS iulie 2023