

Help for Ukrainian refugees and TCNs in Constanta and South-East region

ConstantaAID4Ukrainians: Help for Ukrainian refugees and TCNs in Constanta and South-East region

The project ConstantaAID4Ukrainians: Help for Ukrainian refugees and TCNs in Constanta and SE region, K-ROM-2022-4068 is implemented in the period 1st of September 2022 – 14th of August 2023 by Novapolis Association with the financial support of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe.

ROUA Center Constanta will support a number of 600 Ukrainian refugees and TCNs to be assessed for their protection risks and to be provided with quality protection services, lifesaving assistance, information, legal, psychosocial, economic inclusion, Romanian language and integration support to address their immediate needs, improve their well-being and prevent potential risks of exploitation and abuse.

At the same time, the project will increase cooperation and coordinated approach among CSOs, public institutions and relevant stakeholders for quality protection assistance of Ukrainians refugees and TCNs in Romania through local community-based consultation mechanisms in 10 Romanian cities advocacy actions and capacity building initiatives.


Evenimente, activități, Noutăți

Project ROUA
