10th of September 2021
Direcția 5 – Ambassador of the Campagn „No more bricks in the Wall” in Romania!
A total of 19 territories, 17 local authorities, 14 non-governmental organizations from all over Europe came together to make the vocice of migrants around the world hear and to call for solidarity with refugees through messages of the Ambassadors of the European campaign “No more bricks in the Wall”.
The Municiplaity of Constanta and Novapolis Association-Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development carry out in Romania the information and raising awareness activities regarding migration and integration and management of migratory flows in order to achieve the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030.
As part of this year information activities, we are very glad that „Direcția 5”, one of the best and most-known music band in Romania, responded positively and joined the campaign ”No more Bricks in the Wall” as Ambasador for Romania promoting a message of solidarity and humanity for immigrants and refugees from Romania.
Cristi Enache, the lead singer of the music band “Direcția 5’, answered to several questions about migration in Romania and, on this occasion, we caught on camera his message in a video promoted within the campaign carried out in our country. We invite you to watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbWcyNovdJQ
The message of the campaign ”No more bricks in the Wall” is even more important in light of the recent events in Afghanistan and in the context of the approching of the date of 3rd October – declared by law by the Italian Senate as the Day of memory and Welcome!, a day that reminds the tragic moment from 2013 when a number of 368 persons (women, children and men) lost their lives in a shipwreck off the coast of the Lampedusa island.
The Campaign „No more bricks in the Wall” is implemented under the project „Snapshots from the borders – Small towns facing the global challenges of Agenda 2030”, co-funded by the European Union through the DEAR programme (contract no. CSO-LA/2017/388-115), project leader is the Municipality Lampedusa and Linosa, Italy.
***More information about the project at http://www.snapshotsfromtheborders.eu/romania-projects/ or Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/snapshotsfromtheborders/ or mobile:+40725 259 919 or e-mail: asociațianovapolis@gmail.com, contact person Iris Alexe, national coordinator.