25th of October 2021, Bucharest
Digital tools developed through the EUReKA project aim to facilitate EU mobile citizens access their rights to free movement in the European Union
Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development, partner organisation in the project “EUReKA-A key access to EU rights”, organised on 22nd of October 2021 an online Event to promote and disseminate the digital tools developed through the project to facilitate the exercise of the right of free movement in the European Union, respectively the Handbook of Good Practices, the portal Key4mobility and the App connected to the portal.
These digital tools aim to provide online access to EU mobile citizens, at any time, from any device, laptop or smartphone – access to any practical information, support and geolocalized services, both locally and regionally, in the following countries: Romania, Italy, France, Portugal, Germany and Croatia. The main categories of information that can be accessed on the portal are about residence, employment, social security system, education, anti-discrimination or other European services.
During this event, the Handbook of Good Pactices was presented (https://www.novapolis.ro/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Handbook-on-IT-Best-Practices.pdf), along with the digital tools created in the project the Key4mobility portal (https://key4mobility.eu/it/select-country/) and the App connected to the portal. Detailed information on how to utilize the digital tools were provided, followed by a short training session on how to access the platform and type of information available and which are the concrete steps to follow for a quick download of the app on mobile phones.
The event offered the space for a debate among relevant actors on how EU mobile citizens can be supported and also about facilitating through digital tools the intra-EU mobility – a talk even more relevant considering the context of the pandemic.
The online event benefited of the presence of key speakers from Romania. In this sense, the intervention of the representative of the Social Dialogue Department, Ministry of Labor and Social Justice who highlighted some examples of good practices in informing the Romanian mobile citizens, such as the development of a network of infopoints that included ’infokiosks’, with ’info-touchscreens’, as well as a network of communicators, and a mass-media campaign both across the country but also abroad, with the purpose of improving the quality and effectiveness of the information services offered to Romanian citizens living and working abroad.
The representative of the Public Employment Agency Constanta offered a set of useful information regarding EURES- The European Portal for Labor Mobility, a digital instrument represented by an European network of cooperation among public employment services, meant to facilitate the free circulation of workers and a better functioning on the European labor market.
Moreover, the presentations of the Center for the Comparative Study of Migration Cluj-Napoca, of the Romanian Institute for Peace (PATRIR) and the Integration Centre for Migrants Brasov as well as the research and projects regarding the mobility and migration of youth presented by the Academy of Economical Studies Bucharest showed relevant aspects regarding the situation of migration at national and European level and offered key data regarding the foreigners living in Romania and about the immigrant communities in the cities and regions of Romania.
The participants to the online Event appreciated the utility of the digital tools and facilities created through the EUReKA project and have offered more suggestions to improve and information that can be added to the platform.
For more information regarding the project, contact us by e-mail: asociatianovapolis@gmail.com, contact person Alexe Iris, project coordinator, mobile: +400725259919.
The project “EUReKA – A key access to EU Rights”, co-funded by the European Union through the European Programme “Rights, Equality and Citizenship”, contract no. 826666, is implemented in Romania by Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development in partnership with the European Institute in Romania and the National Trade Union Confederation “Cartel ALFA”, in the period 15.07.2019 – 30.11.2021. The EUReKA Project has as main objective facilitating the exercise of the rights of free movement, inclusion and participation of the EU mobile citizens in the host countries, through a joint local, national and transnational expertise and an advanced access level to digitalised information.