

a step towards improving the capacities of Ukrainian NGOs and regional cooperation in the Black Sea

Novapolis Association-Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development and PRO BONO Information and Resource Center announce the implementation of the project ”BSMigraNet – Regional cooperation and capacity building for Ukrainian CSOs for a coordinated humanitarian response in the Black Sea”.

The project BSMigraNet aims to increase the Ukrainian CSOs capacity building and to strengthen the regional cooperation in the Black Sea in order to effectively manage the humanitarian crisis caused by the military conflict in Ukraine. The duration of the project is of June 2022 – November 2022 and the total budget is 10.000 euro.

Within the project activities – online workshops and capacity building sessions, exchange of practices experiences in Bucharest for CSOs from Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, the study regarding the needs and challenges for CSOs in the region to respond to the needs of people fleeing from Ukraine, the project will map the difficulties encountered in providing humanitarian support, the deficiencies of public-private coordination mechanisms, as well as needs of support for CSOs in inter-regional cooperation.

At the same time, the project will identify and propose solutions and effective tools to strengthen the regional cooperation among CSOs for emergency and humanitarian response.

The activities propose measures to streamline the response to the humanitarian crisis: combating human trafficking, capacity building and identifying ways to attract the necessary funds, proposing advocacy measures to support Ukrainian CSOs and analyzing how coordination actions of humanitarian assistance can be adapted to the needs of Ukrainian people in need, refugees.

The project ”BSMigraNet – Regional cooperation and capacity building for Ukrainian CSOs for a coordinated humanitarian response in the Black Sea” is implemented by the Novapolis Association-Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development and PRO BONO Information and Resource Center within the ”Building CSO Capacity for Regional Cooperation within the Black Sea Region” project, implemented by the Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND in 2022 and is funded by the European Union.

For further information, please contact Ms. Alexe Narcisa, Novapolis Association expert by phone 0766.304.610 or e-mail:

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BSMigraNet Project

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