CLARINET project – information announcement
Novapolis Association- Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development together with the Municipality of Constanta implement in Romania, during the period 01.01.2019-31.12.2021, the project “Communication of Local AuthoRities for INtegration in European Towns”(CLARINET), project co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), contract no. 821562.
CLARINET project is headed by the Municipality of Lampedusa and Linosa, that works within a multi-stakeholders partnership in 8 EU Member States, respectively 7 local authorities located in border areas, 9 Civil Society Organizations and 2 international networks.
The main objective of the project is to raise awareness of the positive contribution of migrants to EU societies. At the same time, the project aims to: Identify and promote the good practices used by local authorities in public communication campaigns on migration and integration at EU level; enable local border authorities to implement successful evidence-based public communication campaigns on migration and integration through on-the-job training and support.
The expected results from the implementation of the project activities are as follows:
- Organization of the “European Award for local authorities’ public communication campaigns on migration and integration”
- Creating a Positive Storytelling Kit on Migration and Integration for Local Authorities;
- Implement 8 training programs for Local Authorities on public communication on migration and local integration issues;
- Develop 8 residences for artists within territories involved;
- Design and promote 8 communication campaigns on migration carried out by local Authorities involved.
Further information about the project can be found at: