6th of January 2021, Bucharest
BOSS project for a better cooperation and understanding of social inclusion
Novapolis Association – Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development announces the implementation in Romania of the BOSS project – Building a Network to Boost Social Secure Europe.
The BOSS project aim to establish a cooperation network of European organizations in order to promote social security and to strategically strengthen the capacity of this Network.
The BOSS project take into account that the poverty reduction target through the social inclusion policies of the European Strategy 2020 and the national reform programs has not been achieved and the need of knowledge and understanding in the field of social inclusion related to the new targets set in the European Union, which are reflected in the Annual Convention „Social Europe post 2020”, European Pillar of Social Rights, Agenda 2030, Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, Nordic and national programs.
In this sense, the main activities of the BOSS project that include seminars on awareness and strategies for social inclusion, exchanges of experience and best practice, one workshop and two Capacity Building events, target to ensure the availability of relevant information, to increase the knowledge and to ensure the exchange of experience of the partner organizations’ employees and volunteer leaders on the possibilities of implementing social rights, gender equality and social inclusion strategies.
The total value of the project is EUR 115,970.00 and gathers partners from ten countries as follow: EAPN Association-Latvia, b-Creative Cultural Association from Sweden, Velferds Alliansen from Norway, Mitra France from France, Women’s Socialist Movement from Cyprus, Eesti People to People from Estonia, Stowarzyszenie Vesuvio from Poland, Interfolk – Institute for civil Society for Denmark, Coordinamento Toscano Marginalita from Italy, Novapolis Association from Romania.
The project is implemented during 01/09/2020 – 30/06/2022 and it is funded by European Union, through Erasmus+ Program, Strategic Partnerships for adult education – Exchange of Practices, Agreement no. 2020-1-LV01-KA204-077474.
***For further information, please follow the link:
http://www.eapn.lv/erasmus_plus/ or contact us by phone 0725 259 919, or email: asociatianovapolis@gmail.com, contact person Iris Alexe, project coordinator.