Announcement MIraGE project
Novapolis Association implements in Romania, during the period 01.12.2018-01.12.2021, the European project “MIraGE – Migrant Integration for Growth in Europe”, a 3-year project co-funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), contract no. 821714, run by 12 partners from 8 European countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Sweden.
The project is headed by the Bulgarian organization Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation (WCIF), which works within a multi-stakeholders partnership that includes Civil Society Organizations, trade unions and providers of vocational education and training. Despite the great potential that foreign labour force can represent for European economies, some employers tend not to engage with migrants due to a lack of information about their employability, their skills and the legal procedures to recruit them.
At the same time, migrants are not fully aware of the many working opportunities or how to access them, especially in terms of self-employment in the new host country. MIraGE’s aim is to address those issues by increasing the swift access and integration of third-country nationals (TCNs) in the labour market of their European host countries.
Projects’ activities include: mapping of employers’ needs and attitudes by carrying out an online survey; conducting interviews to explore best practices; creating a handbook with best practices for employers and self-employed to be published in 9 EU languages; developing two different country specific training programs, both for TCNs and employers; running a social media campaign and creating a video to promote project’s activities and best practices; evaluating the impact and transferability of results.
Further information about the project: