
Announcement Closing of the project Pro Juvenes

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27 November 2015



Closing of the project “Pro Juvenes – Transnational Partnership for an inclusive labor market for youth”


Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly Persons by the Department for Social Dialogue, as beneficiary, together with its implementing partners „AUR” – The National Association of Specialists in Human Resources – Partner 1, Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives – Partner 2, National Trade Union Confederation Meridian – Partner 3, the General Confederation of Romanian Industrial Employers – Partner 4, announces the successful ending of the project „Pro Juvenes – Transnational Partnership for an inclusive labor market for youth” on 30 November 2015. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund through POSDRU 2007-2013 and has a total value of 10,988,390 lei eligible.

At the end of the project, the most significant results obtained by Novapolis Association –Center for Analysis and Development Initiatives, Partner 2, are:

  • 18 Trans-national partnership agreements concluded with public and private entities from Italy and Spain;

• Events and actions undertaken in Romania – 1 seminar, 1 working group, 1 roundtable;

• Organisation of 2 Exchange of experience and best practices in Spain and Italy;

• The development of a thematic network in the field of human resources and social inclusion development, migration and youth mobility;

• The elaboration of a brochure with thematic network recommendations – aspects of social inclusion and labor market integration of youth;

• The realisation of an European comparative study regarding the intra-European mobility and migration of youth in Romania.

For additional information, the contact person is: Mrs. Narcisa Alexe, Communication and Event Organization Expert, Novapolis Association, phone 0766304610, e-mail:

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